A list of Jabu Zwane's Current Keynotes.

Performance has two domains, the visible which is primarily physical and the invisible which is more complex.  This Keynote covers the power of building the 5 invisible Cs of your performance for optimal results.

Jabu Zwane uses research and powerful gripping storytelling to bring Mindset Models of performance to life with excellent articulation.

Mind Your Words, Mind Your Mind

This new keynote, Jabu Zwane talks about why being intentional with what we think about, how we think, when and for what purpose.


As usual, Jabu Zwane seamlessly uses Mindset Models through storytelling to deliver a profound, transforming talk about interrogating our frameworks of meaning.

Why Men Don't Talk

In this powerful keynote, Jabu Zwane unpacks why it is difficult for men to talk.  He contrasts what men are comfortable talking about, what they struggle to talk about, and why.


He goes in further to talk about the struggle masculinity has with conflicting perceptions in this modern age.

Knowing How to Know, not What To Know

Research shows that we are losing our ability to learn new things.  Critical thinking has become a challenge as more value is placed on knowing information rather than the process itself.  In this keynote, Jabu Zwane delivers a thought-provoking talking, challenging audiences to learn how to know, rather than parroting what they've been told.

Consistency For Success

In this talk, Jabu Zwane talks about why consistency is the strongest link in the chain of success.  In this short clip, he is addressing marketing executives at Rose Petal's Marketing Conference in Pakistan.

 Your Background or Your CONFIDENCE

In this new keynote, Jabu Zwane talks about how your background can steal your confidence.  He demonstrates how confidence is an inner, deep, personal work.


Mr. Zwane seamlessly uses Mindset Models through storytelling, to deliver a profound transforming talk.

Some Current and Previous Clients

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Pretoria, 0081

South Africa

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Email: info@jabuzwane.co.za